Digital Union Feature
Located inside the Digital Union: Work Studio in Hagerty Hall, our four-seat podcast studio features a Rodecaster mixing board, imac, four microphones and headphones. The Rodecaster allows "call-in" via bluetooth connection and sound bite recording and playback.
Inputs from all microphones and the mixer feed into an iMac where users can use GarageBand or Audacity to edit and export their recording.
Call us at 614.292.0743 at least one day in advance to reserve the Podcast Studio.
This studio is optimized for the recording of conversation and voiceovers. If you need to record music, you will want to consider the audio studio within the Digital Union: Recording Studio.
Reservation Guidelines
- Guests may place reservations up to 2 weeks in advance.
- No reservations are permitted within 15 minutes of opening or closing time.
- There is a four-hour maximum reservation length per day per guest.
- There is an eight-hour maximum reservation length per guest, per resource, per week.
- If you have not arrived by 15 minutes past your reservation time, the resource may be released to walk-in requests.
- A No-call/No-show may result in deletion of all your future reservations.
- You may stay past your reservation end time as long as no one else is waiting for the resource.
- Class assignments and OSU-related work take priority when applicable.
- You must have a verifiable, active name.# and present your BuckID on arrival.
- The guest who placed the reservation must be present throughout reservation.